Welcome to version 1 of the "Quick Check Sustainable Business Management". The aim of this Check is to facilitate the assessment of your own performance with regard to sustainable supply chains in 5-10 minutes and to provide you with individual recommendations for action and suggestions for improvement.
Send the Quick Check also to your suppliers, raise their awareness of the concept of sustainability, and get an assessment of the sustainability performance within your value chain.
The focus of the Quick Check is to provide a rough orientation of your sustainability performance and to sensitise users to the complexity of the issue. If you would like a more detailed assessment of your performance or that of your suppliers, please use version 2 of the "Quick-Check Sustainable Business Management". This provides a more in-depth assessment than the Quick Check and thus delivers a more accurate result. It can also be individually adapted to your company and your most important topics.
User Instructions
No registration is required to complete the "Quick Check Sustainable Business Management". Click on "Start Quick Check" to begin the check. You can then answer the 12 questions of the check. If you do not have the necessary information to answer a question, or if a question does not apply to your company, you have the option of skipping that question.
At the end of the check, your results will be displayed. Moreover, you will receive two recommendations for action. First, general recommendations for action, which are based on and tailored according to your results. In addition, you will receive specific recommendations for action for each question that you answered with "no" in order to improve in this area.
Important: No data is being saved. Please save the the results of your check, since tehy cannot be restored afterwards.